Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Come As You Are...

As a new year begins, many people make New Year's resolutions to form new routines, break old habits, or to manage time and resources differently all in an effort to "be better." In our culture it seems that we are continually in the pull and under the weight of trying to "be better." We never measure up to the status quo, so we either wear ourselves out trying or we just give up. It can feel the same way but perhaps even greater when it comes to our spiritual life. We think - We'll never be perfect so how and why would God ever accept or love us? This four-part series, will look at the truth that God never expects us to be perfect, but in fact He tell us to come as we are. He is a God who is rest for the weary, a refuge for the shamed, near to the broken-hearted, and a home for the wonderer.

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