Friday, April 25, 2014

What's Better? - Easter 2014

Sunday, April 20 The Exchange celebrated Easter by asking the question What's Better? The day was filled with an interactive survey for the whole family, special activities for kids, worship, teaching, and stories of life change. Through the teaching from Philippians 3, we centered around the truth that no matter what trial, victory, pain, riches, or comfort we may know in this life Jesus is better!

Click here to listen to the What's Better message and life change stories.

Below are some pictures from the day.

Monday, April 7, 2014

What's Better

This Easter we're asking What's Better? Join us Sunday, April 20 at one of our two special gathering times at 9:30 or 11:00 and be a part of The Exchange Easter celebration. Come casual and bring the whole family! KidLIFE and LittleLIFE activities will be available both times for children birth - 5th grade.

Check out what some of The Exchange kids think...
What's Better - Cousins

What's Better - It Stinks in Here

What's Better - Candy or Money