Sunday, November 30, 2014


This December The Exchange is celebrating Advent! Advent is an expectation or anticipation of the coming of someone or something. During a time where it is so easy to get caught up in the busyness and chaos of the season, Advent helps us stay focused on the eternal meaning of the season and not the temporary demands. Advent begins December 1 and goes through December 25. As Christ followers, Advent helps us remember the arrival of Jesus as a baby and Messiah and also helps us stay expectant for the return of Jesus as the eternal King. 

To help us celebrate the Advent season, we have Advent devotional guides available to use for personal use or as a family. The personal guide can be used by any student or adult to help reflect on scripture and journal thoughts. The family guide can be used by parents to help walk their children through scripture and questions about the Advent season. In addition to the family guide, there is an ornament guide that creates a hands on experience for kids to create something that goes along with each day's reading. 

Click on the link to download a digital copy of a guide.

Ornament Guide (to be used with Family Guide)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Worth the Wait

No one likes to wait, whether it's at a stoplight, for a package in the mail, or for an answer to a health report, but all of us have been or are in the waiting room of life at some point. While we rarely look forward to waiting, God continually uses the waiting periods of life to produce in us the image He desires. The original Christmas was an answer to a period of great waiting not just for those directly involved but for all of creation. In the moment of greatest waiting in history when it seemed like all hope had been lost, God broke the silence and waiting with an eternity-changing interruption proving it was Worth the Wait. Join us for this three-week series beginning Sunday, December 7 at 10:30 as we celebrate the holiday season.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Sunday, November 23 The Exchange will participate in a special opportunity of gratitude. Through this opportunity we call thanksGIVING, The Exchange will bless multiple less fortunate families throughout our area with a free Thanksgiving meal. We are asking people to donate canned goods and other nonperishable food items by Sunday, November 16. Then on Sunday the 23rd The Exchange will have an opportunity to personally serve each of these families. Make plan to join us for a special gathering at 10:30am.

Below is list of of suggested donation items:
  • Canned Green Beans
  • Canned Corn
  • Canned Sweet Potatoes
  • Canned Cranberry Sauce
  • Canned Gravy
  • Boxed Dressing
  • Boxed Macaroni & Cheese
  • Boxed Mashed Potatoes and/or Rice

Treats & Eats Recap

Friday, October 31 The Exchange took part in an opportunity called Treats & Eats. On this night as a church we gathered at 6 different host homes throughout our area to love and serve our neighbors and families who were out trick-or-treating. We hosted games for kids, served apple cider and cookies, and of course gave out tons of candy. It was an incredible night of connecting with our community!

Below are some pictures from the night.