Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pearl Day 2013

The Exchange hosted a Photo Booth at Pearl Day this past weekend where families and individuals could grab some props and take a silly picture. We had a great time meeting new people in the community and took some great pictures!  Check out the photo booth photos on Facebook.

We also handed out orange Exchange balloons and applied free temporary tattoos which were a big hit!

It was the hottest day of the year so far, but we had a great time! Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time to help make our booth a success! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Family Dedication

This past Sunday, Mother's Day, was a special day for The Exchange family. We not only celebrated mothers, but we also celebrated Family Dedication, or as some refer to it, Baby Dedication. Six families with new babies publicly dedicated themselves before God to raise their children according to His Word. We also had a special family worship service where our "big kids" joined us as we learned what God's Word says to children and to parents. Here are some pictures from the day!

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 5, 2013 Recap

May 5, 2013. Cinco de Mayo. Coldest day of Spring. Out of the box. Mind-shifting.

These are some words that describe this past Sunday as The Exchange took a break from our normal Sunday morning gathering to meet our neighbors. From cookouts with hotdogs to Cinco de Mayo celebrations with tacos to brunches with cheese grits, The Exchange body gathered across 4 different locations with one purpose: to intentionally meet those who live around us and show them the love of Jesus. Below are some pictures from the day:

New relationships were formed that will continue after this week, and our church body is learning to step outside our comfortable routines to go where people are and to show them Jesus. This is what we have been called by God to do - to live as the church.