Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas in the Park

You and your family are invited to celebrate Christmas in the Park on Friday night, December 20th! Bundle up and bring your blankets and lawn chairs to Pearl City Park for a free Christmas movie starting at 7PM. Free hot chocolate and free popcorn will also be provided. Santa will even be there to help us celebrate Christmas, and parents, you can get your child's picture taken with Santa for free too!

We know it's expensive to enjoy a movie night out with the family, so enjoy our Christmas gift to you and your family and come celebrate the season with us at Christmas in the Park. Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Door Holder Appreciation Night

We love our Exchange Door Holders! Recently, The Exchange hosted a night to say "thank you" to all of our door holders who serve our church body in different roles each week. We enjoyed a meal together, received a small gift, gave out some funny awards, played some embarrassing games, worshipped Jesus through music led by Rich Price of Grace City Church in Jackson, and received a challenge to keep on serving from our pastor, Bryant May. It was a fun night to enjoy each other and celebrate what God is doing in The Exchange. Here are some photos from the night!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Sunday, November 24th The Exchange is looking at Thanksgiving in a whole new way, so the Sunday Gathering will look different than ever before. On this morning everyone will gather at 10:30am at our building located at 417 N. Bierdeman Drive in Pearl for a brief meeting and time of instruction. Then we will disperse as small groups to go throughout the city to deliver Thanksgiving meals to less fortunate families. We believe there's no better way to celebrate this transitional holiday than to give away just a portion of what God has given to us. Make plans for you and your family to be a part of this special day of worshipping Jesus through giving out of the overflow of what we have received. You can also be a huge help by dropping off canned goods and other non-perishable food items before Sunday, November 24th to help us prepare for this day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall Fun Day

The Exchange had a blast Saturday, October 19 at Fall Fun Day at Pearl City Park. We hosted a free photo booth, applied free temporary tattoos, and set up carnival games for kids to play and win candy! The weather was perfect for a day at the park, and we had the opportunity to meet many families from the area. The photo booth was a huge hit - who doesn't like to dress up in fun props and act silly? Here are some photos from the day!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


The Exchange celebrated baptisms on September 22nd. We called the day "FOLLOW" and we witnessed 5 people who had decided to follow Jesus with their lives take the next step of baptism. It was a great day to celebrate what God is doing right in front of our eyes in the lives of so many! Check out some pictures from the day below, or you can click here to watch the stories!

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 5:15 LIFE

Last week, The Exchange had the opportunity to serve breakfast to the teachers at Pearl Junior High. We also made treat bags to give them at the breakfast. We met many new faces at the school, and we were able to tell them thank you for the investment they make in the lives of so many children everyday!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Birthday Celebration!

It's hard to believe it's been a year since we first launched on August 12, 2012. In some ways it feels like we just got started, but when you take a look at all God has done in one year, it almost feels like five years! We are incredibly thankful to God for sending His people to be a part of The Exchange, growing them in His Word, teaching us to love our neighbors, and changing lives for eternity!

This past Sunday, we threw a party as a way to celebrate all God has done over the past year. Below are some pictures from the day.

You can also watch some highlights of our first year of ministry.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's a Party!

August 12, 2012 not only was a brand new church started but God launched a movement of people to live as the church with the one mission of seeing people exchange their old life for new life in Christ and live out their purpose. Sunday, August 11th The Exchange will celebrate its first birthday and also the official opening of their new meeting space located at 417 N. Bierdeman Road (behind Trustmark Bank). It will definitely be a day to celebrate! Everything starts at 10:30am with the Gathering and KidLIFE & LittleLIFE activities (for ages birth-5th grade) followed by inflatables, refreshments, and fun for the whole family. Invite a friend and be a part of the celebration!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Permanent Meeting Space

We continue to be humbled and amazed by the things God is doing with The Exchange. On the brink of our one-year anniversary as a church body, God is getting ready to birth even more ministry opportunities for us. Our meeting spaces have been portable from the beginning, meaning we set up our meeting space and tear it down each week. This has meant long labor hours for our people and limited opportunities for our children and students. Now, as we are nearing the end of months of renovations to our permanent meeting space, we are making final preparations to expand our family ministries and let our city know we are here to stay! We're excited to announce our first gathering in our new meeting space will be July 21st. The new space is located at 417 N. Bierdeman Road in Pearl right behind Trustmark Bank. We will keep you updated on news and pictures over the next few weeks as we near our public launch on August 11th.

Monday, July 1, 2013

June 5:15 LIFE

Saturday was a beautiful day to serve our community through 5:15 LIFE! The temperature was a cool 80 degrees; cool for our normal Mississippi summer temps, at least. Many people showed up to serve our local Center for Pregnancy Choices and our local Center for Violence Prevention's Second Chance Store. From kids to adults, there was plenty to be done and everyone pitched in!