Monday, December 31, 2012


One of our core values at The Exchange is that we are exchanging ideas for truth. We don't want to be a body of believers who tosses out ideas we have heard about Jesus and His Word, but rather we want to be a body of believers who gets the truth straight from the Bible. One of the ways we get to learn the truth of God's Word is to read it everyday. To help us with this, in 2013, we will be walking through the Clarity reading plan together as a church. This reading plan will take us through the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs over the course of a year with scheduled daily readings. Download your copy of the Clarity reading plan here. Clarity kicks off on January 1st!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas at The Table Recap

Sunday, December 23rd, The Exchange celebrated Christmas at The Table. The morning was a chance  to celebrate Christmas with our entire church family and included family Christmas photos, candy canes, family Christmas caroling, teaching from God's Word, and our first celebration of communion together. If you missed the message from Sunday, you can watch it here.

Below are pictures from Christmas at The Table:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas at The Table

Sunday, December 23 The Exchange will celebrate Christmas at The Table. This will be the first opportunity to celebrate communion together as a church. Join us for an exciting time as we look at the journey of Jesus our Savior from the manger to the cross. We will have a time of family worship with Christmas carols, teaching, and Christmas fun for all ages. Pray about who God wants you to invite and bring to hear the gospel on this day, and kick off your Christmas week by joining us for worship, teaching, communion, and fellowship at the gathering at 10:30am in the Kidz Rock building in Pearl next to Logan's.