Monday, December 31, 2012


One of our core values at The Exchange is that we are exchanging ideas for truth. We don't want to be a body of believers who tosses out ideas we have heard about Jesus and His Word, but rather we want to be a body of believers who gets the truth straight from the Bible. One of the ways we get to learn the truth of God's Word is to read it everyday. To help us with this, in 2013, we will be walking through the Clarity reading plan together as a church. This reading plan will take us through the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs over the course of a year with scheduled daily readings. Download your copy of the Clarity reading plan here. Clarity kicks off on January 1st!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas at The Table Recap

Sunday, December 23rd, The Exchange celebrated Christmas at The Table. The morning was a chance  to celebrate Christmas with our entire church family and included family Christmas photos, candy canes, family Christmas caroling, teaching from God's Word, and our first celebration of communion together. If you missed the message from Sunday, you can watch it here.

Below are pictures from Christmas at The Table:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas at The Table

Sunday, December 23 The Exchange will celebrate Christmas at The Table. This will be the first opportunity to celebrate communion together as a church. Join us for an exciting time as we look at the journey of Jesus our Savior from the manger to the cross. We will have a time of family worship with Christmas carols, teaching, and Christmas fun for all ages. Pray about who God wants you to invite and bring to hear the gospel on this day, and kick off your Christmas week by joining us for worship, teaching, communion, and fellowship at the gathering at 10:30am in the Kidz Rock building in Pearl next to Logan's.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Saturday at the Park

And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.
2 Corinthians 5:15

Saturday, November 17th The Exchange held a 5:15 LIFE opportunity at Bright Park in Pearl. The crew worked to clean up the two entrances to the park by trimming bushes, weed eating, cleaning up parking lots, and picking up trash. The team also raked and cleaned off the walking path throughout the park. The Exchange is working to partner with the Pearl Urban Forestry Department to serve the city.

Below are some pictures from the day.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

The Exchange is partnering with Samaritan's Purse to be a part of Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child provides kids around the world who are less fortunate with a shoebox full of gifts and also the message of the love of Christ during the holiday season. You can be a part by printing off the attached instructions, packing a box, and dropping it off at The Exchange by Sunday, November 18th.

Check out this video to see how Operation Christmas Child is impacting children around the world with the hope and love of Jesus.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Highlights from the NEW Celebration

Sunday, October 21st The Exchange celebrated a day called NEW. On this day The Exchange held its first baptism celebration watching 3 guys take their next step of faith in obedience through baptism. To watch the baptisms from NEW click here.

Below are some pictures from NEW.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Sunday, October 21st, we will celebrate NEW at The Exchange. NEW is a celebration of new life as people take their next step of faith through baptism. The gathering will kick off at 10:30am followed by the baptism celebration. The Exchange gathering is in the Kidz Rock building right next to Logan's in Pearl. Come celebrate life change with The Exchange!

Monday, October 1, 2012

September 5:15 LIFE Opportunity

And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.
2 Corinthians 5:15

Saturday, September 29th The Exchange had a 5:15 LIFE opportunity to serve the city. A group of 30-35 people jumped in to serve at the Center for Pregnancy Choices in Pearl. The Center for Pregnancy Choices helps women who are pregnant know their choices for their child from a Christ-centered approach. The group made a huge impact cleaning and organizing inside as well as doing some landscaping and cleaning on the outside.

Below are some pictures from the 5:15 LIFE opportunity.

Monday, September 10, 2012

LIFEgroups - You Can't Do Life Alone

In a country of over 311 million people so many people are still living lonely lives, but the great thing is God didn't create us to do life alone. Living life with others is essential to ultimate personal growth and staying faithful to the life God has called us to. Hebrews 10:24 - And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

We need each other for accountability, growth, fellowship, and encouragement, so at The Exchange we have set up smaller groups of people called LIFEgroups for people to connect, grow, and do life with others. LIFEgroups are a small group of couples, ladies, or men that meet together once a week in homes and restaurants to study God's Word together and fellowship. LIFEgroups kick off the week of September 9th. If you are interested in connecting with a LIFEgroup at The Exchange, you can sign up online. You weren't created to do life alone so take the next step to connect and grow with others!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Exchange Your Marriage

Is your marriage in need of an exchange? God created marriage to be a beautiful relationship that shapes husbands and wives to look more like Him, but dishonesty, selfishness, pride, impatience, and a lack of ownership have taken hold in many marriages that are in need of an exchange. God has called spouses to make an exchange of these strongholds to make Christ the center and foundation of their marriage so that it can be the beautiful picture God created it to be. Listen to Sunday's message about exchanges you may need to make in your marriage.

Also check out more resources to help in your marriage.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Launch Day Highlights

Sunday, August 12 a brand new church was launched in the city of Pearl, MS. After 18 months of praying and planning, The Exchange held it's first public worship gathering in the Kidz Rock building where 123 people joined together to worship Jesus and hear from His Word. The Great Exchange message series kicked off looking at Luke 9:23 and the three things Jesus said it takes to exchange your life. Join The Exchange each Sunday at 10:30am in the Kidz Rock building next to Logan's in Pearl.

Below are some pictures from Launch Day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Family Day Highlights

Saturday, August 4th The Exchange hosted its first ever Family Day. Around 500 people came out to Pearl City Park to enjoy inflatables, games, food, face painting, give-aways, and fun for the whole family all for free. It was an awesome opportunity to meet and connect with families in the Pearl area and tell them about what God is doing through The Exchange. Volunteers from The Exchange and around the area braved the heat to serve and make the day a huge success.

Below are some pictures from Family Day.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

12 Days of Prayer

As The Exchange prepares to launch weekly worship gatherings Sunday, August 12th, we ask that you would “exchange your words” by praying along with us daily for God to do an incredible work of life change that would make His name famous in the city of Pearl and the surrounding area.

Wednesday, August 1st
Pray and thank God for His faithfulness to The Exchange over the past year. Praise Him for being a good and gracious God whose promises never fail.

Thursday, August 2nd
Pray for salvation and stories of life change to happen as God uses The Exchange in the coming weeks, months, and years.

Friday, August 3rd
Pray for the Family Day event taking place tomorrow. Pray that God would provide good weather and send many people to hear about what God is doing through The Exchange.

Saturday, August 4th
Pray for wisdom for The Exchange’s leadership team as they try to listen to God, walk in faith, and lead the body.

Sunday, August 5th
Pray for the other Christ-centered churches in the city that God would create an incredible Kingdom partnership to carry out
His mission.

Monday, August 6th
Pray for broken marriages in the city that God would bring healing and unity. Pray that God would use The Exchange to teach God’s intentions for marriage.

Tuesday, August 7th
Pray for Pearl schools today as students start back. Pray that God would use The Exchange to love and serve the schools and make an impact on the next generation.

Wednesday, August 8th
Pray for financial provision. Pray that God would raise up obedient believers to financially support God’s work through The Exchange.

Thursday, August 9th
Pray for the city government. Pray that The Exchange would love and serve the city leaders and gain favor in the city.

Friday, August 10th
Pray that The Exchange would be a place that raises up believers who disciple others. Pray that people would not just hear the Word but be passionate about sharing it.

Saturday, August 11th
Pray for all those who will serve tomorrow at The Exchange. Pray that they would serve with love and grace as they open the door for people to hear about Jesus. 

Sunday, August 12th
Pray for the launch of weekly worship gatherings today. Pray that truth would be taught, God would be worshipped and honored, and lives would be changed.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Exchange Recap Video

Check out this video that was shown at the 2nd preview gathering. It shows a recap of the praying, preparing, and planning of The Exchange launch team over the past year in preparation for the launch of The Exchange Sunday, August 12th.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

One more chance

This Sunday, July 29th is the last chance to join The Exchange for our final preview gathering before the launch of weekly gatherings Sunday, August 12th. Join us at 10:30am in the Kidz Rock building next to Logan's in Pearl to hear about the vision that God has given The Exchange to impact the city of Pearl and the surrounding area and how you can be a part. Tell someone else about The Exchange and bring them with you!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sneak Peek...

After over a year and a half of preparation, The Exchange is now one month away from launching in the city of Pearl. God has assembled an incredible team of people that are excited about serving, loving, and sharing with a city and the surrounding area about the greatest exchange they could ever make in laying down their old life to find new life in Christ. The Exchange will be holding two different preview gatherings Sunday, July 22 and Sunday, July 29 at 10:30am in the Kidz Rock building next to Logan's in Pearl (3 Mac & Bones Blvd.). Everyone is invited to join us for one or both of the preview gatherings to hear the latest of what God is doing at The Exchange and to find out how you can support us as we prepare for our August 12th launch of weekly gatherings. For more information about The Exchange or upcoming dates email us at or check out